
Invisible character roblox
Invisible character roblox

invisible character roblox

Yes, I do need to do that, as when I was looking through my avatar to see what kind of stuff I would need to hide, there were some meshes that where children of accessories. Second, I need a way to scan through the children of the children. First, I need a way to scan through all of the Model’s children. I’m trying to achieve this by running through every child that belongs to the character’s model, (The Model that is the character in the Workspace) checking to see if it’s an object (In this case, I would have to check if it’s a part, then a mesh) and if it is, I need to set it’s transparency to 1.

invisible character roblox

What I’ve decided to do is just make the avatar invisible. And, since you play as a cube, I have to do something with the avatar to make it go away. Alright, so I’m working on a project where you play as a cube.

Invisible character roblox